2005 started as a crappy year, but then I found work.
I'm glad that I moved to San Francisco, and hope to see some of you soon (and maybe post more often).
Welcome Juliana!
'Out Of Gas'
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2005? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
2005 started as a crappy year, but then I found work.
I'm glad that I moved to San Francisco, and hope to see some of you soon (and maybe post more often).
Welcome Juliana!
yay ! Jessica got her presents!I was getting worried for a bit.
For some reason, I was reading quickly and saw this as "Jessica got pregnant"! I was very surprised.
Heh. Not as surprised as Jessica, I bet.
I was reading quickly and saw this as "Jessica got pregnant"!
Secret Santa may be my name - but I am not that good.
Would have been hella impressive, though. If a bit confusing.
Yep. Particularly given that Santa traditionally comes down the chimney.
eta ...and how much do I wish I'd not had that image? We're really putting the Ho into Ho Ho Ho, here.
We're Bitches, babe. It's what we do.
I love extended holidays! I just got my secret santa gift from....drumroll....Miss Lilty. Thank you, thank you.
She sent a set of honey and shea body treats. Shower gel, bath soap, body balm, sugar scrub and hand lotion. They smell terrific. I already feel pampered!
I am so tickled. Thanks again!
I wasn't sure I had it in me to do a wrap-up, but I think I'll give it a shot. 2005 started out bad, but better than 2004 had ended. My job was ending, but at least I knew it was ending and I knew when. The first 2 months of the year were the hardest, but I got some help and things got better.
Work: Sticking it out for 6 months in a job where I was unappreciated was tough. I started job searching in February and started getting good responses in April. A big event I had to manage in May was a p.i.t.a., but it got done and was pretty successful. I got a job offer in early June and started at the end of June. The new job rocks muchly and I got my largest year-end bonus ever.
Family: My family had to continue dealing with me sick in a way they had never seen before, but they dealt with it and even managed to get kinda comfortable with me dumping stuff on them without a filter. We lost my father's mother in May rather unexpectedly, but were all with her when she died and I saw my father as a really wonderful and caring son in her last weeks. My brother had some devastating heartache, but found some sources of strength he didn't know about.
Some random good things in 2005: in March I had my first spa scrub and wrap and lurved it. friends visiting new york, kinetic sculptures, the term jackhole, I refinanced my place and got a cash out to pay off debt/start savings, started working in my building's flowerbeds, iPod, iBook, weekend crafty vacation, donating approx. 5 garbages bags of stuff from my home, new light fixtures, chapeau, new haircut, US Open, PHONE CALLL FROM NATHAN (via ita), Yosemite, Makola dress.
Oh, yay, Maidengurl!! You got them! You are so very welcome!