Brooks has a doozy out now too.
The one where he says that women who claim to prefer having a career to staying at home with the kids are liars because OBVIOUSLY women belong at home?
Yeah, I read that one.
[eta: Actually, Salon has a response article out about it.]
Leif was being funny last night. He dicided that running into things is funny so he kept running into the sofa thud and then into the wall THUD. Then he was demand that I laugh because it was funny. Sort of patter-patter-patter-THUD! whump "You laugh daddy!" repeated about 20 times.
Could be worse - he could be emulating the famed couch flip.
that's the one.
ETA: I read the Salon analysis, which is what set me down the path that led to searching out Tierny. I was interested because of the Higher Ed references.
You can't actually blame this one on the media. A mine foreman was in the room where the families were waiting, and he got a call from mine authorities that 11 people were alive.
Here's the kicker: HALF AN HOUR LATER the mine officials knew the report was wrong. They waited three hours to tell the families.
It ain't the press that did the families down.
Those findings jibe with what I've seen. I can't think of any friend who refused to date a woman because she made more money than he did. When friends have married women with bigger paychecks, the only financial complaints I've heard from them have come when a wife later decided to pursue a more meaningful -- i.e., less lucrative -- career.
WHATEVER. Men won't admit it, but they don't like it. they just give some sort of bullshit reason that the friends accept, like. "her boobs weren't big enough"
Have a doggie yet?
Not yet but getting closer.
For about 10 years my mom made more than my dad did. (Out of a 40+ year marriage, so this wasn't exactly the norm for them.) Dad joked about being kept, but he also started contributing rather more around the house. It doesn't seem to have hurt their marriage any.
I earn 2x my Beau's salary. This is in no small part due to my being about 8 or so years ahead of him career-wise, despite being 5 years older. We have the same level of education, so I think it is possible we will earn the same salary in the future, but it won't be the near future.
It ain't the press that did the families down.
I don't think the decision was necessarily made out of heartlessness.
It took several hours to tell the families that the good news was all a big mistake, a huge mistake. Hatfield said he waited because he felt his information might be incomplete and he wanted to avoid passing along further misinformation. Some might be dead and others alive, perhaps, he thought.
"I didn't know who to tell to stop celebrating," he said.