Trio is coming back as part of BravoNet, but it won't be back on TV, just the internets.
The idea of keeping a cake that's not going to taste good in a year confounds me.
My mother kept the top of my wedding cake for three years before I realized she'd ignored my requests to throw it out. She had this notion that if she did, I'd decide I wanted to defrost it and take a bite after all. Which, considering my wedding cake had both a custard and a fruit layer, um, NO. So I threw it out myself.
The greater the number of cute cues that an animal or object happens to possess, or the more exaggerated the signals may be, the louder and more italicized are the squeals provoked.
I think it's theoretically possible for some CGI creature to posess high levels of both cuteness and Uncanny Valley-ness.
Someone should be trying to achieve this right now. Thus I decree.
Kismet is pretty fugly.
I felt bad about the last of his kind thing, but I didn't really feel it was inappropriate to kill a huge wild animal that was rampaging through the city stomping on people.
It was both appropriate and sad. I thought.
The necessity of the whole thing made it sadder for me. Internal conflict, yadda yadda.
What ita said.