Weekend plans (all contingent on storm and related disruptions):
tonight: my friend's are coming in from Lunenburg and we are going to see Claire's Hat, an unreleased documentary by Bruce MacDonald. (Of Hard Core Logo fame.) Then possibly out for drinks.
Tomorrow: Farmer's Market, brunch with my friends and my friend's parents, shopping, and in the evening a cocktail party at my boss' that I couldn't figure an excuse to get out of this year. (Soemwhere megan is saying "AH-ha.")
Are my guests staying another night? I don't know. Maybe more drinks with them if they are still around.
Somewhere in here I have to squeeze in watching the last ep of Season 1 veronica Mars and then return the DVD to the Video Store.
Sunday: My Co-op's AGM and potluck in the evening, so I'll likely be cooking this afternoon. Maybe entertaining guests if they are still here. I hope to be home ot collapse and watch GA.
I once became what I briefly thought was hopelessly trapped in a sweaty sports bra in a locker room. That was when I switched to the sort of sports bra that has hooks-and-eyes.
Aimee, you are not fat and stupid. The fatness is in your head and the stupidness is unpossible. You're attractive and funny; you have a great husband; and you have one of the cuter children in the world.
Thanks for the hairpats, everyone.
I've not met any of MM's co-worker's, so I'm kinda nervous.
Years and years ago on tabletalk, there was a horrifically funny recounting of a tragic encounter with one of those slimming garments. I suspect it is a far too common phenomenon.
Aimee, I think shopping for those things requires including close friends to help. They are truly evil.
Lobbyists cost a lot more than $6, but I don't know how much. Probably in the hundreds of thousands for a 3- or 6-month campaign.
I got stuck in it. I couldn't get out of it.
I find those things frightening, almost as frightening as strapless bras. Same rubbery-sticky stuff; same "okay, wait, if I can't reach the clasp, there is no way at all for me to get this thing off myself??"
I took Hec's book with me to the bar last night where it was coveted by Mr. Jane's coworkers and a music critic from our weekly rag. I will show it off to our musically inclined friends tonight- so Hec, be prepared for sales to shoot up by at least 8.
Sweet! I totally need to start sending you kickbacks.
::Note to self: Move Daisy up on xmas list. Perhaps a noseguard?::
Ah, found a cached version of it.
Weekend plans:
Tonight: Meet Amyth and Smonster for a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show in Raleigh.
Tomorrow: Shopping for the last Christmas gift on my family list, for baking ingredients to make office gifts, and for an outfit for the office Holiday party next week. And possibly a library run to recover from the sorrows expected from that last bit of shopping. Which is to say, {{{Aimée}}}.
Sunday: Hermiting like the utter hermit I am.