I took Hec's book with me to the bar last night where it was coveted by Mr. Jane's coworkers and a music critic from our weekly rag. I will show it off to our musically inclined friends tonight- so Hec, be prepared for sales to shoot up by at least 8.
Sweet! I totally need to start sending you kickbacks.
::Note to self: Move Daisy up on xmas list. Perhaps a noseguard?::
Ah, found a cached version of it.
Weekend plans:
Tonight: Meet Amyth and Smonster for a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show in Raleigh.
Tomorrow: Shopping for the last Christmas gift on my family list, for baking ingredients to make office gifts, and for an outfit for the office Holiday party next week. And possibly a library run to recover from the sorrows expected from that last bit of shopping. Which is to say, {{{Aimée}}}.
Sunday: Hermiting like the utter hermit I am.
Weekend plans: (if it ever stops snowing, that is)
Ben's second-ever basketball game. He scored last week, so he's very excited.
RWA chapter holiday party, which will include much food and filked (!) carols and holiday songs about the writing life.
Possibly taking Ben to see Goblet of Fire on Sunday, since we haven't been yet.
Possibly writing Christmas cards. Although there's a reason that's last on the list.
Weekend Plans: Go see
tonight. Get xmas tree tomorrow and decorate house. Cookie making. Maybe some tennis with Emmett. Some Christmas shopping.
Am I the only one who is excited there's the musical
The Producers
out? Much more than
Brokeback Mountain,
Weekend Plans: possibly go see Narnia tomorrow. Mail package to my brother in Baltimore. Watch LOTREE in advance of seeing LOTR exhibit next weekend.
Ack! Sleepy! Must not close eyes. Let me tidy instead.
I have today off, except I have to run in for an hour and take care of a couple of things. We are having work people over tomorrow, so today I clean house like a maniac and shop at Costco. Folks over tomorrow afternoon. Jason's parents are coming out and staying over tomorrow night. Sunday morning, hang with 'rents. Sunday afternoon, collapse.