Weekend plans: (if it ever stops snowing, that is)
Ben's second-ever basketball game. He scored last week, so he's very excited.
RWA chapter holiday party, which will include much food and filked (!) carols and holiday songs about the writing life.
Possibly taking Ben to see Goblet of Fire on Sunday, since we haven't been yet.
Possibly writing Christmas cards. Although there's a reason that's last on the list.
Weekend Plans: Go see
tonight. Get xmas tree tomorrow and decorate house. Cookie making. Maybe some tennis with Emmett. Some Christmas shopping.
Am I the only one who is excited there's the musical
The Producers
out? Much more than
Brokeback Mountain,
Weekend Plans: possibly go see Narnia tomorrow. Mail package to my brother in Baltimore. Watch LOTREE in advance of seeing LOTR exhibit next weekend.
Ack! Sleepy! Must not close eyes. Let me tidy instead.
I have today off, except I have to run in for an hour and take care of a couple of things. We are having work people over tomorrow, so today I clean house like a maniac and shop at Costco. Folks over tomorrow afternoon. Jason's parents are coming out and staying over tomorrow night. Sunday morning, hang with 'rents. Sunday afternoon, collapse.
I can't think past today.
Checkin at 11:30, test from 12 to about 1, PT at 3, and somehow I'm stil working, so that means I can't come home to crash until all my docs are nice and tidily done.
Well, maybe I can crash a little.
Tonight: Depends on the weather. Will likely just stay home and work on video game mod I'm helping with.
Saturday: Company Holiday party. First time in over 8 years with the company I'm going. Taking a company-provided coach bus to and from the party because I don't feel like trying drive to and from the city and pay for parking.
Sunday: Hopefully finish up my Christmas shopping, buy the ingredients for the cookies I bake every year and put the tree up.
WAKE UP! Only another 90 minutes.