So. I just listened to an elderly lady cry because she's afraid she'll lose her home, the company seems to have her insurance money, but hasn't credited it to her, and she is scared of where she's living and just wants to go home.
Can I leave now? I don't cry in front of coworkers.
Oh lord. We have forty some consultants and about double that number of clients scheduled to come in tonight and tomorrow for this freak-ass conference. What do you think is happening now?
Okay, I'd rather have to listen to what I have to than what you do, DJ. I couldn't bear what you bear of a workday. Not even a little.
Kathy, did you hear the thunder? WTF? Huge blast of thunder in the middle of a snow storm. Weeeird.
Well, luckily I'm not alone. I mean the national head guy is really on top of this. n I emailed him a few minutes ago to let him know what was going on.
I heard some pretty bad stories today, and they made me teary, but this woman I had to shut the door for and just bawl big weepy tears. She did make me smile a bit though, because she feels safer in New Orleans than in Texas. I told her "Oh yes ma'am. I understand."
The workplace stories are creepifying and sad. Occasionally both.
You'll need my address, huh? Or do you have it?
I'll need it.
My light is no longer haunted. And I snagged my flashlight back. I am waiting for kittenish to hurl herself up to the top of the closet to inspect the new fixture. What I am not doing is a last minute pell mell cleaning of my place before my mom gets here. In maybe five or 10 minutes.
No, I'm inside a big building and nowhere near windows. Freaky.
Have you left work yet? How bad is traffic? (I know you take public trans, but you can at least see the roads and I can't!)
How long before vidcasting makes the dictionaries? TiVo lets you subscribe to a videoblog.
so clark and chloe AREN'T a couple? dammit. and santa is not kryptonian.