I need to stop listening when Bush speaks. I'm nearly giving myself an aneurism with all the counter-arguments going on in my head. Because he's making no sense, and yet my brain keeps wanting to try to make logical arguments against what he's saying.
This is why I get all of my Bush TV appearances via the Daily Show. If I try to watch him without Jon Stewart, it hurts.
Man, I wish I had an empanada right now. I made chicken soup, but it was a little bland.
I had my first empanadas in ages recently. I could live off those for immediate-feed food. Man, so good.
I wish I had an empanada, too. I had a big snack at like 4, and then a bunch of Mexican hot chocolate, so I'm not hungry, but not having dinner seems weird.
I need to be writing a paper. I just don't want to. I guess I could study instead.
Anyone watch all of W's speech? From a political blog:
Did anyone record Bob's intial remarks after the speech? I heard he said the President was sober instead of somber. Send me the clip if you have it and if that's true.
Anyone catch this?
Thanks for all of the birthday wishes.
I am without Tivo all the time, but my friend who has Tivo was bereft when she had to live without hers for several days a couple of months ago. So, I can sympathize. I was without cable for about two minutes this afternoon when I was trying to catch up with Project Runway and I was most unhappy.
Things are good. Tomorrow, I have meetings all afternoon with the crazy professors, but it's the last one for the whole year. No more crazy til 2006.
Felicitations of your natal day, Kat!
Mmmmmexican hot chocolate.
I heard he said the President was sober instead of somber.
But sober is a reasonable synonym for somber, isn't it? Or at least a similar idea.
I am so happy I don't have to go to work tomorrow (or EVER AGAIN), but sad I'm not done with school yet.