Thanks for all of the birthday wishes.
I am without Tivo all the time, but my friend who has Tivo was bereft when she had to live without hers for several days a couple of months ago. So, I can sympathize. I was without cable for about two minutes this afternoon when I was trying to catch up with Project Runway and I was most unhappy.
Things are good. Tomorrow, I have meetings all afternoon with the crazy professors, but it's the last one for the whole year. No more crazy til 2006.
Felicitations of your natal day, Kat!
Mmmmmexican hot chocolate.
I heard he said the President was sober instead of somber.
But sober is a reasonable synonym for somber, isn't it? Or at least a similar idea.
I am so happy I don't have to go to work tomorrow (or EVER AGAIN), but sad I'm not done with school yet.
KatP, have the best birthday ever.
I should have kept Bush on so I could imitate Jon's Bush-cackle, but I caught up on e, instead.
Happy birthday, Kat!
How much caffeine is in cocoa anyway? Will I be jeopardising a good night's sleep? Have I already jeopardised one by sleeping most of yesterday? Will the Reglan¹ overcome all? Will I be forced to take a Flexeril to beat this fucker?
¹: I read somewhere that this anti-nausea drug prescribed to me for the post-concussive syndrome also functions as a migraine abortive. So my little chain of meds is one pill longer. Still, it's getting late for Flexeril, so I need to make a decision soon.
Jesse! You have paper!
Yes, write. Writing is good. It will make that whole "done with school" thing happen much more quickly.
ita, I have no idea. All I know, is, sans medication intervention, two cups of cocoa affect me none at all, and my max for coffee is a cuppa strong, before 9 am. Not really helpful, huh?
I miss the wide aisles in CA supermarkets. Between Santiago and now NYC, it's been ages since I went grocery shopping without feeling slightly claustrophobic.
If you'd like, we could go out to my Mother's in the 'burbs and shop to your heart's content.
Did you hear? NYC is getting a Trader Joe's.