Damn. I was hoping the story would include finally finding out what he was tripping about.
My ex very nicely obtained some real holly with bright red berries from his neighbors as I'd asked. So now my little construction site is kinda holiday-ish. Small live redwood tree trimmed with an IKEA kit (I don't have any heirloom decorations) and a couple holly boughs. Plus as much holiday baking as I can manage in between the moving boxes and tools.
That was the perfect opportunity to yell Jackhole.
Is there a new GA tonight?
Mmmm. Leftover empanada not only smells good, it tastes good.
I miss the wide aisles in CA supermarkets. Between Santiago and now NYC, it's been ages since I went grocery shopping without feeling slightly claustrophobic.
Kat P!!!
I'm pretty sure GA is a repeat tonight.
My power went out for about an hour. I was able to order pizza, get it delivered, and start eating it before it came back on. I felt all resourceful and crap.
I also watched the first episode of NewsRadio on my laptop. Good god do I love Jimmy James. I'd forgotten how much.
That was the perfect opportunity to yell Jackhole.
I was too bemused to be upset. It was more an odd wondering what craxy guy's motives were. Was he suffering from dementia? Was his son/person dating a non-whatever-type (nonjewish, nonrussian) that looked like me? Was I being scoped as a prospect? Was I an object lesson?
I really should have kept up on the russian lessons.
Is there a new GA tonight?
kat! Happy birthday! (Belated?)
Perkins! How are things?
Hmm, so I'm eating empanadas and playing with the Buffistas and the DH is beside me watching Boca Jrs. play futbol. I am having such a 2000 flashback to Sunday nights in Santiago. Sweaty men and beef. Good times.
ETA: Thanks, Jesse! Not belated. I have about two hours and 15 minutes to go.
How are things?
I was without the internet and Tivo for a WHOLE HOUR, but I'm much better now.
How are things with you?