Oh for the love of FUCK Sayid! You been taking lessons in plan management from Locke or something?
Although I will say that Ben's recruitment speech to Michael was pretty convincing.
I also am pretty sure that Ben is behind Rousseau and the guy-who's-name-I've-already-memfaulted-on's assassinations. The look he gave the guy when he had his arm around Alex had that creepy ownership vibe from the episode about Juliet, now with extra-incesty overtones.
Oh for the love of FUCK Sayid! You been taking lessons in plan management from Locke or something?
The look he gave the guy when he had his arm around Alex had that creepy ownership vibe from the episode about Juliet, now with extra-incesty overtones.
Yeah, well, he never did like Carl.
Wow, talk about having to redeem yourself by making yourself more guilty. Michael REALLY got fucked over.
It's so crazy! I love how fucked-up it is. Because I can't even tell who's good and who's bad anymore. Okay, I'm pretty sure Widmore and Co. are clearly bad, but Ben and Co. are so morally grey they deserve their own color.
I haven't yet decided if Widmore is bad. All I know is both Widmore and Linus have a fuckload of resources...
Widmore has screwed up his daughter's life enough to deserve the title 'evil', not to mention faking an entire planeload of people....
Do we know that was Widmore though? Do we know that from anyone not involved with Ben? I can't remember.
The helicopter pilot seemed to imply that it was not Widmore who faked the crash site.
There is also the possibility that the helicopter pilot (forgot his name, but is oddly...HOT) has been entirely mislead by Widmore. MHO that Widmore did fake the sunken ship and Thai bodies, but mr pilot doesn't know that because he's just trying to find out the truth....and was recruited for the mission when he called in to denounce the TV coverage as a fake. Widmore would want to get a rabble-rouser like him out of the way. Since we all know flying to and from the island is suicide :)
Oh! I had a theory earlier.
Okay, so it's all well and good to say "the island won't let you die," but didn't Michael try to kill himself with the gun that whatshisname (Zeke?) gave him? Maybe the gun was rigged.
Michael bought the gun at a pawnshop. Which isn't to say that Zeke didn't go to the pawnshop first and plant the gun.