I no longer trust the flash-whatevers. They are deliberately leaving it ambiguous about when the car crash happened.
Oh, right. Wasn't Michael laid up early on before he got on the plane (I thought from a hit and run, but this could be why he got nothing)? That car certainly looked pretty spiffy for something that old.
Wait - we SAW that hit and run (or accident) right?
He was laid up from a hit and run - which we saw back in season one.
Isn't that guy dead?
So was eyepatch guy. But I thought it was a different guy who got killed. The one who was involved with the actress who played Trixie on DEADWOOD, and somehow blamed Sawyer for Sun shooting her.
OMGWTFMichael'sAnAssassain!??!?!? Wow, talk about having to redeem yourself by making yourself more guilty. Michael REALLY got fucked over.
So, um, the Island wanted Michael to be an assassin and Sayid also becomes an assassin.
The big guy could still be dead. The whole ambush on the beach happened after the boat got to the island.
OK, Widmore may be more evil, but at least he's fairly direct about it. The fucking with people's heads is what really chaps my ass about Ben and crew. I mean really - a "BANG!" bomb (a la the gun that shoots out a flag saying "BANG!")?
Exactly. . . none of the "others" can ever just say what they mean.