Finished the finale. Kept me interested the whole time, something new for an episode this season. I think I like the new direction with the flashforward, or the flashforward being the present and the island and flashbacks being the past, whatever. Glad that tptb showed us they were rescued now instead of it being the last scene of the last episode and being so cliche and trite. It hooked me again, and I'm glad.
Charlie had me bawling like a baby when he accepted his fate, saved Desmond, and spent his last few moments writing something important rather than some random lyric he just thought up. I had misted up a little when he hugged Hugo last week. I really liked their friendship.
Ben is eeeeeevil.
Actually excited for February now.
You heard her.
Not coming back till February.
um, well, let's hope that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and not more forgetful.
I'm sure there will be three recap shows to catch you up.
I'm sure there will be three recap shows to catch you up.
ahahaha. so true. am i wrong or did Lost really start that trend of recap episodes being billed as "new" episodes?
I think it was an ABC invention, they've done the same for Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy.
I thought Jack was making a statement that he knew was "ironic." I figured his dad was dead at that point.
Jack also tried to claim that his dad prescribed drugs for him. Do addicts usually engage in that much irony while desperate for a fix? It seemed like more than a wry reference to me.
I loved Hurley, loved Charlie, loved Danielle's nonchalant elbow to Ben's face. Ben makes no sense. Sixteen years of keeping a secret, then "this is your mother"!? What was the point of that secret?
And how the hell did the disturbed custodian's kid become the boss of the others? Why do non-aging Batmanuel and indestructible Eyepatch take orders from him? What's the story behind these people Hanso considered "natives"? How could Ben and Batmanuel step in and use Hanso resources without the company knowing about the massacre of their people?
Color me dubious about this new approach to the timeline. I'm even less confident that any of these questions will be answered in the new short seasons if they open up the future (the present?) to the story.
I really hated the resets on Alias. I kept watching but it still bugged. Is this evidence of some deep seated fear JJ has about shows growing stale?
My perception of Alias is a little different since I marathoned the entire series on DVD, but the thing that worked was that it always came back to Rambaldi. It was utterly absurd, but it did give the show a focus.
Is JJ even involved with Lost any more?