My perception of Alias is a little different since I marathoned the entire series on DVD, but the thing that worked was that it always came back to Rambaldi. It was utterly absurd, but it did give the show a focus.
Is JJ even involved with Lost any more?
Jack also tried to claim that his dad prescribed drugs for him. Do addicts usually engage in that much irony while desperate for a fix? It seemed like more than a wry reference to me.
I took that as a blatant lie. He had his dad's prescription pad. He told the pharmacist something like, "I didn't write the prescription, Christian Sheppard did! Call his office."
I didn't see his dad anywhere around - and they love to trot out Christian whenever they can. I knew Jack's dad was dead and gone.
I took that as a blatant lie. He had his dad's prescription pad. He told the pharmacist something like, "I didn't write the prescription, Christian Sheppard did! Call his office."
Sure. But it's an entirely different bluff if he's taking about a dad who's been dead for three years than a dad who's still practicing. And why would a prescription pad still be around if dad were really, most sincerely dead?
all I can say is that I was pretty sure Jack was in the future the whole time. He looked crappy and older than the past flashbacks.
It also occurs to me that they way they wrote the ep, they seemed to equivocate (probably to confuse viewers) regarding how long they have been off the island. The chief of surgery's reactions to Jack lead me to believe that he hadn't been at the hospital very long. But Kate's volvo-driving self made me think it perhaps had been a lot longer.
The writers literally could go either way on this.
It also occurs to me that they way they wrote the ep, they seemed to equivocate (probably to confuse viewers) regarding how long they have been off the island. The chief of surgery's reactions to Jack lead me to believe that he hadn't been at the hospital very long. But Kate's volvo-driving self made me think it perhaps had been a lot longer
Well, and when they first showed bearded!Jack on the plane, I swear Sun (and probably Jin, but I just remember Sun's face for certain) was sitting right behind him. But then he told Kate he took flights all the time.
I do think this is a reset of sorts. I think next year will start out in bearded!Jack's time, and we'll flash
to the island. I have to admit, for an asspull, it's a really intriguing one, and they've hooked me yet again. I'm already fanwanking that it isn't an asspull, because it sort of makes sense out of Desmond's prophetic flashes.
The writers literally could go either way on this.
Not if they want to play fair. The newspaper has been identified as one from April 2007.
all I can say is that I was pretty sure Jack was in the future the whole time. He looked crappy and older than the past flashbacks.
I didn't twig that it was the future, but I couldn't figure out how that Jack fit into what we knew of his history. Clever of you to make the leap.
I couldn't figure out how that Jack fit into what we knew of his history.
Me neither, -t. It immediately struck me that we had seen SO MUCH of his history that this bearded guy didn't fit in there. But I just never
the possibility that they would be showing us the future.
when they showed him using the Motorola RAZR, i figured it out because they've been fairly careful about props like that in the past and it really jumped out at me that that phone wasn't available pre-crash.
I'm so used to seeing people on television using that phone that it didn't even register to me that he shouldn't have had it pre-crash.