I rewatch bits. Matthew can act.
Also, whoever died caused Jack to pull over and cry about it, and phone Kate. Kate didn't seem too bothered about the death. Maybe glad. Whoever it may be, the writers don't even need to know at this stage, I suppose.
I actually sussed it was a flash forward when Jack started to speak on the phone -- his first word is 'Khey'. Sounds like Kate. And Hey. Together.
All in all, I liked the finale a lot. Although I'm iffy on the flash forward stuff as I don't think the writers know what they're doing with it.
Holy crap. I just swap the ratings for last night -- they're down 10 million from last year's finale.
Edit: No, actually, I'm wrong, it's not quite that much. But it's still well, well down.
That's too bad. I thought that the finale was excellent.
I think the crappy early season and the long break really hurt it. They may have "lost" viewers who didn't bother to check out the new, improved late season.
everyone's down. AI is down at least 10 million viewers. Part of me wonders if Nielsen is having some technological freak out or something.
Also, I find it coincidental that the missing TV viewers corresponds to the missing bees. I didn't know bees watched that much tv!
Here is a nice interview with Dominic Monaghan about Charlie's fate on
Hm. From the way they talk about this "seismic shift," it really sounds like this rescue boat coming for them is going to
and yet, we know it's not Penny's boat, and Ben says it's bad, and aaaaah.
Is it Penny's father's boat, do you think?
That's been suggested. Could be.
I can imagine that -- Penny would have no idea. And apparently, he has some relationship to the Hanso Foundation.