everyone's down. AI is down at least 10 million viewers. Part of me wonders if Nielsen is having some technological freak out or something.
Also, I find it coincidental that the missing TV viewers corresponds to the missing bees. I didn't know bees watched that much tv!
Here is a nice interview with Dominic Monaghan about Charlie's fate on
Hm. From the way they talk about this "seismic shift," it really sounds like this rescue boat coming for them is going to
and yet, we know it's not Penny's boat, and Ben says it's bad, and aaaaah.
Is it Penny's father's boat, do you think?
That's been suggested. Could be.
I can imagine that -- Penny would have no idea. And apparently, he has some relationship to the Hanso Foundation.
Finished the finale. Kept me interested the whole time, something new for an episode this season. I think I like the new direction with the flashforward, or the flashforward being the present and the island and flashbacks being the past, whatever. Glad that tptb showed us they were rescued now instead of it being the last scene of the last episode and being so cliche and trite. It hooked me again, and I'm glad.
Charlie had me bawling like a baby when he accepted his fate, saved Desmond, and spent his last few moments writing something important rather than some random lyric he just thought up. I had misted up a little when he hugged Hugo last week. I really liked their friendship.
Ben is eeeeeevil.
Actually excited for February now.
You heard her.
Not coming back till February.
um, well, let's hope that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and not more forgetful.