I was thinking maybe that was the case, but Juliet's research was pre-pregnancy rather than during. She could have expanded her scope in 3 years, I'm sure, but Claire was awfully far along when the Others had her and didn't, so far as we knew, have any complications that needed fixing.
I want Juliet to be responsible for Sun's miracle pregnancy somehow, but I'm having trouble wanking the Jin was sterile reveal into that scenario.
I'm thinking it might not have been injecting Claire, maybe taking fluid from Claire. If Juliet's research involves regenerating uteruses, or in the case of the male mouse getting pregnant, creating uteruses, then they might need pregnant people. And maybe kids since they steal them. Yes, I'm just making shit up.
Ooh, I like that, Laura!
It cracks me up that we now have canon mpreg on Lost, even if it is an offscreen mouse.
I actually called out mpreg! Not that my family had a clue what I was giggling about.
Yes, I'm just making shit up.
With that attitude, you could write for the show!
Interesting. That would also give them a way for Walt to come back post-growth spurt.
Only if he didn't get off, though.
I just totally went to an Eastenders place. I don't think anybody will understand me.