Now I'm trying to figure out when I will fit in my other Thanksgiving rituals. The listening to
Alice's Restaurant
and watching
I'm thinking I'll have to inflict both on my guests between or after football.
eta: not at the same time, though that would be interesting
not quite like the wizard of oz and Pink Floyd, though.
What's the paper about?
The current one that I'm almost finished with is on domestic violence and politics, the next 4 are on: media and crime, democracy and a culture of fear, institutional overload and crime, illustrations and dante.
Aaaah, I went to the mall at lunch and was re-earwormed with "All I Want for Christmas is You..."
media and crime
As in, how media covers crime, affects it, changes it through the description? And in "media" you don't mean any work of fiction, or do you?
democracy and a culture of fear
Um, I listen to the news. That's as far as I can go with that one.
institutional overload and crime
I don't even know what an "institutional overload" is. Also, it's lucky you don't have to write a paper on "democracy and crime", IMHO. Too messy.
illustrations and dante.
I pretty much only know that there was a person named Dante, and that he wrote something about hell(s?). Have no idea what illustrations have to do with it. Unless you have to look at things that I was supposed to illustrate, which is its own kind of special hell.
So, does any of that seem helpful at all to you? Only questions, with no actual ability to answer any of them, let alone in writing in an orderly fashion. Oh, well.
We roasted pears for a salad with gorgonzola and walnuts--yum. Plus I just pulled a potato-portobello gratin out of the oven. The BF has taken Layla to the dog park and then we dress up and go off to a 3:00 meal with some friends. We will be home early enough to watch lots of
Sounds fascinating, Kat. If also like a lot of work.
Gotta go.
I love reading the holiday fun descriptions of everybody! I may even have to catch up instead of skip, that's how much fun it is to read them. So, please, do continue!
Not going to do holiday stuff till later. But I've had two cold blooded jelly donuts already and have Rev.Al Green on the stereo, so life is fairly good. Jelly donuts always make me think of Giles. Who could complain about that?
Bartleby is still recovering from his oral no turkey for him today. The hosts of the party we are going to are dying to feed him things he shouldn't ima keep him home until dessert is served.
I made two cranberry with tangerine/ginger/pecans and the other plain with maple and vanilla. The host is a Cordon Bleu trained chef...I just hope the cranberry sauce can keep up.
The best part of the day, so far, has been the calls from far flung friends and clients, expressing good wishes. I feel so rich. So warm, despite the chill in the air. So pretty much every way.
I give thanks for this fun, informative place. Cheers to you all.