Bartleby is still recovering from his oral no turkey for him today. The hosts of the party we are going to are dying to feed him things he shouldn't ima keep him home until dessert is served.
I made two cranberry with tangerine/ginger/pecans and the other plain with maple and vanilla. The host is a Cordon Bleu trained chef...I just hope the cranberry sauce can keep up.
The best part of the day, so far, has been the calls from far flung friends and clients, expressing good wishes. I feel so rich. So warm, despite the chill in the air. So pretty much every way.
I give thanks for this fun, informative place. Cheers to you all.
erika, it is fascinating.
In short order:
domestic violence and politics has to do with how families and familial privacy effect the enforcement of domesic violence laws.
media coverage of crime distorts our sense of crime and actually increases a sense of terror, misplaced, around crime.
institutional overload has to do with how mandatory sentences overtax the system.
oh man. Allyson + ita + Polgara playing Trivial Pursuit is a Very Bad Thing.
Kat not playing Trivial Pursuit is pretty scary too, for the record.
Neville Chamberlain is always the answer, Tom. Didn't you know?
God, TP with Buffistas would be great. At one point I was forbidden from playing because I was too competitive (and good at it, except for the sports questions).
So I was productive last night, and here is the fruit of my labor:
This morning the whole family went for a run in the woods on the high school cross-country course, which required two loops on a very steep hilly route. Still, it was good because now? I can eat two pieces of pie! And have gravy!
mmm, gravy.
Laura, thank you: I miss y'all too. And it's not that I can't follow along as much (reading Natter on threadsuck doesn't actually take me all that long), but I'm not part of the experience anymore. Bah.
I hope everyone's having a lovely time in Catalina and elsewhere. I'm poking about online and watching vids before going back to my sister's house to help peel turnips and stuff. Seems strange, having a Thanksgiving dinner with only 5 people at it.
I am drunk and then will go buy whatever I can find at the grocery store to make a pretty Thanksgiving table. Awesome. Also, we are all SO CUTE!
(And why is LJ's scrapbook such a pain to manage? feh.)
But I'm feeling very Buffista-connected because I've got Secret Crush Society on the stereo and the next one is a Hec mix.SCS is good, garage-band, girls-with-guitars type fun from my adopted hometown.
Ah. My list is done. My feet are up. I have wine in hand. All the appetizers have been sampled. I have watched Pangs. Life is good. People are arriving and I am all relaxed.