I don't hang out in fanfic circles- are there a lot of guys as idiotic as this woman describes?
Lucy's a friend of mine. And yeah, we've been butting heads with this kind of idiocy in comics fandom quite often.
In fact, one person I knew from comics fandom had a meltdown in the comments thread, and now I know why I hadn't really got on with him these past few years.
I heard back from boss (using cat excuse) and am off the hook! Now I get to worry about people talking about me all weekend long.... (yes I am self-centered, why do you ask?)
WRT to the male privilidge, I have not personally come across anything like that, but I am not in those circles. I did have a male friend who is very into video games tell me that a game with 20% sales to women would be considered a woman's game-- and then we are back to the thing where making something feminine makes it undesirable, while making it masculine can sometimes make it neutral.
Was it the guy who is OMG SO OPPRESSED because women hold all the power in America?
I think there's a lot of "poisoning" of "our space" by the "other" when it comes to majority privilege -- it's just that the majority has most of the spaces, and when it gets pissy, it gets pissy big.
There are also, apparently, a lot of quotation marks.
Can we skip over today?
Now I get to worry about people talking about me all weekend long....
This is what they will say.
"Sophia was so smart to get out of this 2 day hell."
Can we skip over today?
Gods, yes.
Let's go straight to tomorrow, which is not only THE WEEKEND but also MY BIRTHDAY. It will be a much better day.
Happy Birthday-eve, Jessica!
I don't hang out in fanfic circles- are there a lot of guys as idiotic as this woman describes?
I'm not in fanfic circles, either, but I do see a lot of that same sort of response whenever any women found a "women-oriented" theater. There's a lot of mocking and rolling-of-eyes, and demands for inclusion, because if excluding women is wrong, so is excluding men.
I vote that Jessica gets her way on this.
Was it the guy who is OMG SO OPPRESSED because women hold all the power in America?
His lj name is houster_gold. The one who doesn't watch TV yet insists that us womens RESPECT HIS AUTHORITAH.
The best part, I think, is when he and his little friends went apeshit over what he thought was implied homophobia. But since he knows everything there is to know about everything ever (why should he cite? he's the expert here!), he didn't realize that "honey" has long been used as a patronizing term for women, and wasn't about how many rubber duckies he has in his closet.