I think I can honestly say that the sperm thing is a piss take. He's pretentious, and kind of a dork, but he's not completely irredeemable.
It being a piss take doesn't make him redeemable in my book. It might mean he's not a racist elitist money-grubbing jackass, but that sort of pisstaking rates hugely low with me.
Ha ha ha I said a really funny thing where I pretended to be an asshole and people got their panties in a twist and then...
Unpleasant or disgusting. But still way over on >>>that>>> side of the scale for me.
Ha ha ha I said a really funny thing where I pretended to be an asshole and people got their panties in a twist and then...
Yeah, he's an 'artist'. Have you seen his films? He likes to provoke people.
There is something hard-wired in all of us
So some of us button pushers are more feral, huh? I can work with that.
I remembered my lunch today.
He likes to provoke people.
And it works. Thing is, when he provokes people, they get to react. My reaction is one of revulsion - whether his statements are true or not, I find it horrible behaviour, and not by my lights redeemable.
::does the little judgy dance::
::does the little judgy dance::
That dance involves a lot of finger wagging, doesn't it?
There is something hard-wired in all of us about interacting with things that predict food or sex or escape, even when that interaction does nothing to increase the chances of food or sex or escape.
Ah, so it may not be "hitting" the button so much as "hitting
the button.
"You are just the
button I've ever seen. How 'bout you and me go out to dinner?"
Thing is, when he provokes people, they get to react.
Well, yeah. He likes that, I'd imagine, egotist that he is.
Personally, I think it's kind of funny. He's putting forward a reprehensible persona. We get to laugh at it, rather than with it. It's a joke about a racist character, rather than a racist joke. But that's just me.
Ah, so it may not be "hitting" the button so much as "hitting on" the button.
"You are just the sexiest button I've ever seen. How 'bout you and me go out to dinner?"
Well there's a reason you can't spell "button" without "butt".