Can I jump up and down and say memememe get one of these too?
If we can distract the Devilbunny from his world domination plans, sure!
That reminds me, Clovis never friended me in LJ. I feel like cannon fodder. Or maybe zombie food.
Don't feel that way. Remember that Clovis is a very self-absorbed little evil rabbit, and constantly forgets to check who has friended him.
Last night I saw episodes 6, 7 and 8 of "Trapped in a Closet", our generation's Ring Cycle. And, it. is. awesome.
Seriously, people, you must see.
R Kelly? Honey, you are on crack and have been in NY too long.
I can't believe you don't see the appeal of Trapped in the Closet. That shit is crazee!
I'm already having nausea problems. R Kelly has been making me ill since the whole jeep thing.
It's no Little Red Corvette:
You remind me of something
I just can't think what it is
You remind me of my jeep; I wanna ride it
Something like my sounds, I wanna pump it
Girl you look just like my cars; I wanna wax it
And something like my bank account, I wanna spend it
That's like prelude to how stupid Trapped in the Closet is.
You want me dead, don't you, bon?
And in more "aren't performers cute????" news:
Out of the blue, Phoenix suddenly changed the subject, asking, "Do I have a large frog in my hair?"
Reporter: No, no.
Phoenix: "Something's crawling out of my scalp."
Reporter: No, you look great.
Phoenix: "No, but I feel it. I'm not worried about the looks. I'm worried about the sensation of my brain being eaten. ... What did you ask me?"
Phoenix then turned away to whisper to his publicist, who smiled broadly and laughed with the actor. It appeared Phoenix was just messing with the reporter, only to return to the interview line, smile, reach out and briefly, gently massage his earlobe. A wave of laughs erupted from many of those within earshot.
One has to forgive this high-spirited bit of arrivals-line fun, given the cast and crew have been promoting the movie since September's Toronto Film Festival.
No, no, you don't have to forgive him. Promoting a movie for two months is his fucking job. Being random probably wasn't in the contract he signed. If it's annoying if he just started promoting the movie, it's annoying now.
Not to mention he's no Johnny Cash. Nor is Reese fit to fill June's shoes.
t bitter