You want me dead, don't you, bon?
And in more "aren't performers cute????" news:
Out of the blue, Phoenix suddenly changed the subject, asking, "Do I have a large frog in my hair?"
Reporter: No, no.
Phoenix: "Something's crawling out of my scalp."
Reporter: No, you look great.
Phoenix: "No, but I feel it. I'm not worried about the looks. I'm worried about the sensation of my brain being eaten. ... What did you ask me?"
Phoenix then turned away to whisper to his publicist, who smiled broadly and laughed with the actor. It appeared Phoenix was just messing with the reporter, only to return to the interview line, smile, reach out and briefly, gently massage his earlobe. A wave of laughs erupted from many of those within earshot.
One has to forgive this high-spirited bit of arrivals-line fun, given the cast and crew have been promoting the movie since September's Toronto Film Festival.
No, no, you don't have to forgive him. Promoting a movie for two months is his fucking job. Being random probably wasn't in the contract he signed. If it's annoying if he just started promoting the movie, it's annoying now.
Not to mention he's no Johnny Cash. Nor is Reese fit to fill June's shoes.
t bitter
bon bon, step away from the crazy.
traveling drama, of course. but now am "relaxing" for a couple of hours.
Gud, Puppies!! very cute!
But still. Kind of amazing how utterly open it is now.
I'm actually out of the loop on this, but am concerned (hopefully unnecessarily) that it's going to turn out to be someone who would sue me for $100 million if I named him. I haven't heard of anyone else getting talked about in Hollywood as much as Casablanca seems to be implying.
yay for relaxing, msbelle! It should involve a paid masseuse, I think.
ha, it involved watching tv. now to go do work. laters.
later on, msb.
ugh, I am bummed. DH just called and my MiL is having a bad day. Like spending 6 hours at the doctor's office bad.
Looks like our evening plans now involve cheering her up.
Sorry about your MiL, Burrell. I hope you can help raise her spirits tonight.
Is anyone around to entertain me? The only two things I should be doing are not time sensitive but they are boring.
I am around, but doing homework.
How long can one reasonably keep marshmallows around before they go bad? I want to put some of last winter's marshmallows in my hot chocolate tonight, but I don't know if I should.