Cheney is requesting the Senate put an exemption for the CIA in an anti-torture bill basically saying "There might come a time when we really, really need to torture somebody. Really."
I suppose if I ever met him in a dark alley, it'd make a handy excuse to kick him repeatedly in the balls. "It was necessary for national security! Honest!"
The administration (and neoconservatives in general) have been pretty anti-CIA recently, and have sought to take part of the CIA's mission away as punishment for the CIA not producing the intelligence the neocons wanted about Iraq's WMDs or about Soviet military capabilities in the '80s. (The neocons
et al
were trying to sell the big US arms buildup then, so they wanted the CIA estimates of Soviet military capabilities to be high. It turned out that even without this inflation, the CIA estimates were too high, but the neocons never seemed to like the idea of the CIA producing relatively unbiased intelligence.)
If you want to go that route, I'm sure Clovis would be more than happy to ghost-write it for you.
Can I jump up and down and say memememe get one of these too?
That reminds me, Clovis never friended me in LJ. I feel like cannon fodder. Or maybe zombie food.
Wow. Perkins too nice for Clovis. Who knew?
I just made a chiro appointment.
My PT wanted to adjust my neck on Tuesday, but he muttered something about me stroking out, and opted out.
Can I jump up and down and say memememe get one of these too?
If we can distract the Devilbunny from his world domination plans, sure!
That reminds me, Clovis never friended me in LJ. I feel like cannon fodder. Or maybe zombie food.
Don't feel that way. Remember that Clovis is a very self-absorbed little evil rabbit, and constantly forgets to check who has friended him.
Last night I saw episodes 6, 7 and 8 of "Trapped in a Closet", our generation's Ring Cycle. And, it. is. awesome.
Seriously, people, you must see.
R Kelly? Honey, you are on crack and have been in NY too long.
I can't believe you don't see the appeal of Trapped in the Closet. That shit is crazee!
I'm already having nausea problems. R Kelly has been making me ill since the whole jeep thing.