We had one snow day when I worked at KU, and that was a ginormous ice storm that cut off everything. It was worse in KC than Lawrence -- days of no electricity in some neighborhoods.
It's really piled up here -- we got about 9 inches. I'm NOT looking forward to going out to scrape off the car, but hey, at least I get to do it in the afternoon, and not at freaking 7 am, which I swear is the coldest hour in the day.
From Tom's link:
a cabal led by a "Sith Lord" was out to destroy his company
I hate it when that happens.
What is a spin class?
Spin class is a stationary bike class where we have an instructor who yells encouragment at us while we do a work out to music. There are "hills" and "jumps" and "sprints" the instructor choreographs to the music.
I miss snow days. Lucky Erin!
You do need that, Perkins.
Wow. 9 inches - how excellent!
I was Christmas shopping for my sister, and found this [link] I think I need it.
Oh my. I think you do, and I think I need one, too.
Wow. 9 inches - how excellent!
You can't believe everything you hear or read. It's usually a couple of inches shorter than what they tell you.
Oh. Nevermind. Totally different topic. Carry on.
Either no snow or enough to shut down everything.
If I have to put up with snow, I at least want some benefit out of it.
It's usually a couple of inches shorter than what they tell you.
As a friend of mine used to say, "Where are you measuring from, your asshole?"
On the phone with my gyno's office now, trying to sort out this BC prescription thing. I've been on hold for TEN MINUTES. Is it time to hang up and call back?