Dammit. There need to be more jobs I'm qualified for that I'm actually willing to do.
I *might* have said something today about you doing some short-term part-time at-home freelance stuff for us. But nothing official.
Things around here continue to spiral downward.
y'all are funny.
and I am in bed with a laptop! I love the free wireless at the hotel... I only wish there was TV I could watch & post on.
hivemind question: what TV show (possibly a movie) had some character's trademark phrase being, "bygones." it was a thing.
thanks! I said it to my sister to wrap up a quasi-email kerfuffle in order to show I was over it, and then she said, "get over it!" and when I pointed out that's what I meant when I said "bygones" she said she thought it was a british term.
And really, my going into this sort of detail for no good reason whatsoever means that I reallllllly love typing while in bed.
But more than that, I love sleeping in bed, so that is what I shall do. (early morning tomorrow- conference day!)
I posted a sucky picture of me with my new do in my lj - here.
There are also a couple of pictures of my camera shy dog. I have tried sitting on the floor and letting him check out the camera, but he won't even come close when I have it in my hands or anywhere near me.
Super-cute and flattering cut, MG.
And, I hate to gush about pet pictures when you have a new haircut to squee over, but Cody's doleful camera-shy expression is just killing me with teh sweet.