I posted a sucky picture of me with my new do in my lj - here.
There are also a couple of pictures of my camera shy dog. I have tried sitting on the floor and letting him check out the camera, but he won't even come close when I have it in my hands or anywhere near me.
Super-cute and flattering cut, MG.
And, I hate to gush about pet pictures when you have a new haircut to squee over, but Cody's doleful camera-shy expression is just killing me with teh sweet.
Might I submit, if no one else has...
Holy fuck it's cold in this apartment. I don't care how high gas prices are this year, I need my goddamned heat turned on.
ION, Instructions on how to knit a DNA molecule
Jessica! I am going to see you in 2 days! Sadly, it won't be any warmer there.
Thurs thru Saturday
At the West Covina Ballroom
Jessica! I am going to see you in 2 days! Sadly, it won't be any warmer there.
It will be in the hotel, and that's good enough for me!
I keep forgetting that
t center
t c
don't work here, only the quick edit works.
At least for me. I am not up to trying to remember if it works for anyone else or even checking in the proper threads.
t wanders off to check the chocolate chunk cake he's baking for Andi.
Heh. He's already cut the list down to about ten. Sorrowfully I report that all monkey and penguin names went under the knife.
rincipal apparently tried out the, "boys will be boys and they were just roughhousing" line on my sister in a meeting yesterday. She let him know that as only one boy was a willing participant, "premeditated assault" was the correct term, and the one that she and the police would be using. He blinked and asked her to please not sue the school but go after the boy's parents only. Oy. What a loser.
Oooh, he deserves smacking for the first line, and for the second line, deserves to be added to a lawsuit even if she hadn't been planning to!
I want Rita Hayworth hair like Hec linked to, but that would require using curlers every day, and that's sure as heck not happening!
I was at work 12 hours today (actually working!). BOO.
funny, or lame?
Heh. These scenarios reminded me of those strange commercials...
Felony Penguin
For some reason, i especially like this band-name choice.
Came home, washed it and now it is cute
This is always what happens if I let them style my hair when they cut it--usually it's a great cut, but styling it makes it WEIRD.