thanks! I said it to my sister to wrap up a quasi-email kerfuffle in order to show I was over it, and then she said, "get over it!" and when I pointed out that's what I meant when I said "bygones" she said she thought it was a british term.
And really, my going into this sort of detail for no good reason whatsoever means that I reallllllly love typing while in bed.
But more than that, I love sleeping in bed, so that is what I shall do. (early morning tomorrow- conference day!)
I posted a sucky picture of me with my new do in my lj - here.
There are also a couple of pictures of my camera shy dog. I have tried sitting on the floor and letting him check out the camera, but he won't even come close when I have it in my hands or anywhere near me.
Super-cute and flattering cut, MG.
And, I hate to gush about pet pictures when you have a new haircut to squee over, but Cody's doleful camera-shy expression is just killing me with teh sweet.
Might I submit, if no one else has...
Holy fuck it's cold in this apartment. I don't care how high gas prices are this year, I need my goddamned heat turned on.
ION, Instructions on how to knit a DNA molecule
Jessica! I am going to see you in 2 days! Sadly, it won't be any warmer there.
Thurs thru Saturday
At the West Covina Ballroom
Jessica! I am going to see you in 2 days! Sadly, it won't be any warmer there.
It will be in the hotel, and that's good enough for me!
I keep forgetting that
t center
t c
don't work here, only the quick edit works.
At least for me. I am not up to trying to remember if it works for anyone else or even checking in the proper threads.
t wanders off to check the chocolate chunk cake he's baking for Andi.
Heh. He's already cut the list down to about ten. Sorrowfully I report that all monkey and penguin names went under the knife.