sj! you survived Black Friday and Black Saturday!
Did I? Can I please sleep for a week now? I am on call tomorrow. Oh please please please don't let me get called in. I can feel myself getting over tired and, therefore, more depressed. Today was actually kind of tired, I was hurting a lot, and the day went by so.damn.slow.
How do you forget something like that? Poor puppies.
well at least you are here to tell the tale. {{sj}}
on re-listening to my old cds- Man, I am still large with the Beastie Boy love.
well at least you are here to tell the tale. {{sj}}
Thanks. I am sorry to be all whiny, especially after having such a lovely Thanksgiving.
nah, retail hell is, well, hell. don't you worry about venting.
Nora is right. Retail is hellish. I don't think I could stand it. Glad you made it through, sj.
VS is for the most part much easier than Borders hell. It wouldn't be a bad job at all except for the managers a freakish. I think they think retail is the most important thing in the world. You take 10 seconds to breathe when there is a gap in between customers and they freak. We wear headphones and they are talking in our ear constantly about how much more money we NEED to make that hour. It's crazy making.
We wear headphones and they are talking in our ear constantly about how much more money we NEED to make that hour. It's crazy making.
I've done retail, but, just no.
oh no - tha's just wrong sj. yep, you drew the phsyco managers.
Tday was good this year - very relaxed with no snipeing . ( which happens on holidays occassionaly) friday I worked and it was way too dull. got home about 630ish - just as the parade was starting. so I got home threw on jeans and a scarf, grabbed a turkey leg and went down town . In time to catch the tap danceing xmas trees, the football players that were holding the 'danceing showflakes' ( giant ballons) , and most important, the imperial storm troopers and darth vader. We don't know why they are in the christmas parade.
Today i did some yard work. It was fun. I think I have finally recovered from the wedding garden work.