Ooh, Erika snoggage.
MRI~ma to tommy
Health~ma to Emily's uncle.
Kara has a fever of 101.4, the snot monster has taken her over, and she took a nap only to wake up because she'd thrown up. She was most distressed. Of course, now she's being mini-tyrant, demanding chicken noodle soup with actual chicken in, and such.
{{{Kara}}} {{{Cass}}} Health~ma to you both.
So happy today is over. I am eating the last of my grandfather's stuffing in a sandwich before I figure out what I am making for Dave for dinner. Oh, and my managers? They're psycho.
sj! you survived Black Friday and Black Saturday!
I am now ripping my college Janes Addiction and Beastie Boys CDs to the computer. Har.
Snot monster is in my chest. Coughing ouches.
Of course, now she's being mini-tyrant
Awww, fun with mom!
sj, I'm glad to see you made it through!
{{Cass}} {{Kara}} health-ma for them both.
We got home this afternoon only to discover our dogsitter never showed up. Two days. She never came over. I called her and she freaked out saying she was sorry that she "forgot". I'm glad we left them extra water--but everyone was hungry.
DH cleaned up the messes. Feh.
FORGOT!!??!! That's terrible. Glad the pups were okay.
dude, that is uncool. What a thing to come home to. Poor puppies.
Two days. She never came over. I called her and she freaked out saying she was sorry that she "forgot".
Oh fuck. That is horrible.
I would be ready to kill her. (((Cash's puppies))). I would say I could understand because of the hectic pace of the holiday, but I'd think that would trigger something in your-her- brain, since undoubtedly that's why you guys were out of town.