Yup, it's the before 'scopy laxative that sucks it all out of you, literally. It's quite gag-worthy. If they recommend mixing it with Crystal Light, do it. Also, wear very heavy clothes and have blankets handy. The laxative has to be chilled and drinking a gallon of cold stuff as fast as they want you to really brings the body temperature down fast.
I just realized what I've been missing all day. Coffee! No wonder I've got a headache.
Maybe you'd end up with a doggie with a split personality, à la Gollum.
This = my concern. I MUST make lots of noise and jump, jump, jump. I may not be a rocket scientist but I can...what? What was that sound??? WhaaaOOOOOOOOO. Beagle + You MUST love only me...me...MEEEE. And, by the way, I am much smarter than you...hand over your steak. Pug = Exhausting love muffin.
Oy. Much sympathy for the 'scopy vets among us. That liquid drano is of the serious brand of suck. I second the heavy clothes and blankets advice. It's a literal, to the bone chill.
and Cass doesn't. like. stingrays.
Yeah but I got to droved one yesterday and it was fuuuuuuuuuuuuun.
Have cold. Is official. Everyone else is having fun at the zoo. I am seeing how many tissues I can go through and sucking down hot tea. Better sick today than yesterday though.
My cold killed the thread. Stupid virus...
I'm not afraid of no stinkin' virus!
smooches Cass
t makesoutwithcassmakesoutwithcassmakesoutwithcass
Yay smoochies where people accept me in my fairy princess jammies and sniffles!
It is tragic. And with my uncles who are a nuclear physicist and a bioengineer. It's next best thing to going with you, billytea. Well, it would have been...
It is tragic. And with my uncles who are a nuclear physicist and a bioengineer. It's next best thing to going with you, billytea. Well, it would have been...
I missed out on the zoo last week. I was down with dreaded lurgi. But I still have the pass.
Yeah, my annual pass still has a couple of months left so I will go again. Just wish I could have gone today.
Also wish I could breathe and stop coughing.
Today I wish for things that aren't happening I think. So I would also like a pony.