Maybe you'd end up with a doggie with a split personality, à la Gollum.
This = my concern. I MUST make lots of noise and jump, jump, jump. I may not be a rocket scientist but I can...what? What was that sound??? WhaaaOOOOOOOOO. Beagle + You MUST love only And, by the way, I am much smarter than you...hand over your steak. Pug = Exhausting love muffin.
Oy. Much sympathy for the 'scopy vets among us. That liquid drano is of the serious brand of suck. I second the heavy clothes and blankets advice. It's a literal, to the bone chill.
and Cass doesn't. like. stingrays.
Yeah but I got to droved one yesterday and it was fuuuuuuuuuuuuun.
Have cold. Is official. Everyone else is having fun at the zoo. I am seeing how many tissues I can go through and sucking down hot tea. Better sick today than yesterday though.
My cold killed the thread. Stupid virus...
I'm not afraid of no stinkin' virus!
smooches Cass
t makesoutwithcassmakesoutwithcassmakesoutwithcass
Yay smoochies where people accept me in my fairy princess jammies and sniffles!
It is tragic. And with my uncles who are a nuclear physicist and a bioengineer. It's next best thing to going with you, billytea. Well, it would have been...
It is tragic. And with my uncles who are a nuclear physicist and a bioengineer. It's next best thing to going with you, billytea. Well, it would have been...
I missed out on the zoo last week. I was down with dreaded lurgi. But I still have the pass.
Yeah, my annual pass still has a couple of months left so I will go again. Just wish I could have gone today.
Also wish I could breathe and stop coughing.
Today I wish for things that aren't happening I think. So I would also like a pony.
I'm sure it was equally tragic for the uncles. So sorry Cass. I can't help but think you are the cutest thing ever in your fairy princess jammies and red nose. Fanning eucalyptus vapors in your direction.
This reminds me of my pediatrician when Brendon was a baby. He was stuffed up and the doc sent me to the park to pick eucalyptus leaves to break up and put in a vaporizor because he thought that was better than the stuff in a bottle.
eta: and you can have a pony if you want one princess.