Presumably the Queen keeps custody of the Royal heirlooms while she's queen. Seems fair.
There's the complicated issue of which jewelry is the Queen's personally and which belongs to the Crown. Most of the stuff you see her wearing (barring actual crowns) belongs to her, and to whomever she leaves it to.
Nurse goes to the bank to cash her paycheck. She pulls her pen out to endorse the check and realizes that it's a rectal thermometer. She looks at the teller and says, "Some asshole has my pen."
Emily, you got a package.
Random and off-topic: Does (modern) Greek not use capital letters? flea? raq? others who are better-traveled than I?
Modern greek uses capital letters.
Edit: in the normal places you would find caps in English - they don't do any weird German Noun Capitalization.
That's what I thought, but Microsoft (or at least its keyboard layout) seemed to be telling me otherwise. Huh.
(edit: Or maybe I didn't happen to type any that look different. Probably the simplest explanation.)
Thanks. My dad's friend told me that this weekend. I told my grandmother and I thought she was gonna tinkle.