More like Poor Daycare. One of her teachers was trying to change her and hold her still. Em slapped her hand and said "NO!"
What cracks me up is that she seems to "lose" a word when she learns a new one. FI, She's been saying "Mama" so she doesn't say "Bye Bye" anymore.
Emeline has begun to say, "NO!"
Heh. Don't worry, by next week she'll probably know how to say "Clovis!" Not that I have any plans about helping with that process or anything ...
I was hoping I had a bit more time.
She's going on two, right?
Actually Aimee, you can use this to your advantage. After all, she now understands what you mean when you say "no" too.
I'm in UWRP, and the best thing about UWRP is...
That is indeed a good thing.
Paul, as you can probably tell by me even asking the question, is not on that plan.
Joe has to learn to keep from laughing at her when he tells her "NO!" and then she says it back, and keeps pulling at the lamp/grabbing Sister's laundry/tries to eat candles.
For us, the explanation "that's owie" tends to work.
Paul, as you can probably tell by me even asking the question, is not on that plan.
He's union? No wonder you guys are struggling.
Dentistry has an opening for someone with streaming media experience, and it's a pro-staff Senior Computing Specialist spot.
And I'm not anti-union, so no one take that the wrong way. But the unions that represent UW classified staff are weaker than a weak thing. Their max-out point for salaries was low before the housing bubble and inflation. Now you can be a McDonald's manager and make more.
Yeah, TV's union. They offer brown bags on How to Ask for a Merit Raise, but that's about that. And yet? Still more effective than his previous union.
There's been some talk about changing his position to pro, and I think he likes the actual job, but it would be nicer if it paid a bit more. It was actually an income cut from the last job, because the last job had a lot of OT, but unlike previous job, this one's not a dead-end.