Can't believe this sailed past me....
1) is the Money there
Maybe. Maybe not. Right now I make $X. What I would like is $8000-$12,000 more than $X. But I won't know until I apply. They're not giving a salary range.
The big issue may come down to benefits. Current cost for health insurance is $100/month, going to $49/month in 2006. Other place's health insurance is $469/month, probably crossing $500/month in 2006. We would pay less out-of-pocket at the other place ($10 co-pay on everything), but there is the question of whether we'd lose our current doctors or not.
I would also drop from my current 19 days of vacation/year to 10/year. But the campus closes for all of Christmas week, and that's where I burn 5-7 days of vacation already.
2) closer is good - are they more flexible?
Hard to say. My current job is insanely flexible -- in at 9:30, out at 5:30. OTOH, when Pointy-Haired Boss bitches when you try to claim overtime, that flexibility comes back to bite you.
The other place seems more flexible.
In terms of "closer," BTW, it's actually not -- it's about a mile further. However, it doesn't require taking I-5, which is a parking lot.
3) If an MLIS is not possible at this time ( and might not be needed, but that is another issue.) are there other ways I can get the course work started - so I can comp past parts of the degrees later?
Not really. Basically, it's do the day program at work for "free," or do the evening program for $$$$$. I'm not shutting out the MLIS entirely, but I am shutting out the "free" MLIS I could get by staying.
And Plei's question:
Are you vested in your University pension plan thing already? I can't remember.
I'm in UWRP, and the best thing about UWRP is...
Vesting is immediate.