If "by their enemies ye shall know them," then what does it say about an organization or religion if by and large, those enemies are largely imaginary?
What's that from? All I can think of for biblical references are
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. (Matt. 5:43-45)
By their fruit you will recognize them. (Matt. 7:16, which in older translations like KJV would read more like, "Ye shall know them by their fruits.")
By their fruit you will recognize them.
I suppose that works for picking Carmen Miranda out of a line up, but what sort of fruit does Satan have?
Well, that's actually about false prophets, but I suppose Satan has no fruit at all--just highly sugared, high fats carbs--probably Devil's Food Cake.
I had a whole sermon written about Evil as a bowl of stew (I was trying to come up with something both period and Tick-like, and this was the best I could do), but I never got to deliver it due to the stoopid laryngitis. Which continues. Bleargh.
Frank! When he started on the
What to do to die today
I damn near died. But that was personal baggage on top of the inherent funny.
I'm not sure how long it can last. I think it depends on the guest, and there's a good chance they've got other things planned for recurring bits. I hope so, at least. Given that it's parodying something I think of as more limited than "the news"...I'll wait and see.
The Colbert Report has a few kinks to iron out, but I hurt myself laughing at
"And some of you are going to call in and say "Well, I *did* look it up, and that's wrong,"
and then again at
the gravitas duel,
so I think he'll do all right.
If the Yankees want to jettison [A-Rod], I'd be happy to see him in Dodger blue, but it won't happen because even Steinbrenner isn't that stupid.
Agreed. Long has it been proved that you don't have to be a nice guy to be good at baseball, and A-Rod is good at baseball.
But he's not the girl next door!
Woke up late and therefore have not had coffee. I think the time for coffee has come.
Given that it's parodying something I think of as more limited than "the news"...I'll wait and see.
The Colbert Report has a few kinks to iron out
Pretty much agree with both of these, but I also know it's still WAYYYY early days. As I said, I'm curious to see how much he mixes things up. Recurring bits are definitely going to be a key factor, I think.
My favorite moment
in the duel was when Phillips paused before delivering the bit about the piercing where he had this "you can't seriously expect me to say this" look before doing so anyway.
I agree with all y'all on the Colbert Report, but with the added note that I think it's funny EVERY TIME someone says "col-bair reporr."
I am going to note my plan for the day here, so that you people can make me really do it. Now I am spending a couple of hours leisurely doing homework for tonight (I don't really have a couple of hours of work left on that), then a quick trip to Salvation Army and Goodwill for Halloween shopping, then buckle down on my paper for the rest of the afternoon, at school if need be, since I get more work done in the computer lab than in my house.
Long has it been proved that you don't have to be a nice guy to be good at baseball, and A-Rod is good at baseball.
And is by all accounts a nice guy.