Given that it's parodying something I think of as more limited than "the news"...I'll wait and see.
The Colbert Report has a few kinks to iron out
Pretty much agree with both of these, but I also know it's still WAYYYY early days. As I said, I'm curious to see how much he mixes things up. Recurring bits are definitely going to be a key factor, I think.
My favorite moment
in the duel was when Phillips paused before delivering the bit about the piercing where he had this "you can't seriously expect me to say this" look before doing so anyway.
I agree with all y'all on the Colbert Report, but with the added note that I think it's funny EVERY TIME someone says "col-bair reporr."
I am going to note my plan for the day here, so that you people can make me really do it. Now I am spending a couple of hours leisurely doing homework for tonight (I don't really have a couple of hours of work left on that), then a quick trip to Salvation Army and Goodwill for Halloween shopping, then buckle down on my paper for the rest of the afternoon, at school if need be, since I get more work done in the computer lab than in my house.
Long has it been proved that you don't have to be a nice guy to be good at baseball, and A-Rod is good at baseball.
And is by all accounts a nice guy.
I think it's funny EVERY TIME someone says "col-bair reporr."
OMGyes! At first I was like "repor? WTF?" and then after it was repeated enough times it became the funniest thing ever.
The network that carries the Daily Show in Canada hasn't picked up the Colbert Report yet.
I'm quite sure I could find more than a few serial rapists who turned up at Church every Sunday and were quite good and singing the hymns.
and sometimes, they were the priests leading the service.
I think it's fair to say that in any organization made up of people, most of them will be good and some of them will be bad. And a very few of them will be evil.
That's true Jessie. Now, we all have to decide who's what in our offices. If you don't think that that there's anyone evil in your office -- It's YOU.
If you don't think that that there's anyone evil in your office -- It's YOU.
Hee! Luckily, I am EXCELLENT at judging other people, and can always tell that I'm the good one.
And is by all accounts a nice guy.
Well, he left behind a couple of Texas Rangers who weren't wild about him, and the snipe-fests of this spring were not nice on either side. I suspect he's just the most awkward, overmanaged man this side of Tom Cruise, and if you could sit him down and get him talking about his beanie baby collection* he would be a pleasant conversationalist.
* No, I don't actually have any idea what his hobbies are.
In other news, hey, if your upper back suddenly stops functioning, so that you have to breathe through stiffness and can't stand up from a chair, that is back spasms, right?
Cause I am having them, and it is not cool. Advil is really the only recourse at work, isn't it?