We're talking a cross between skinheads and Satanists.
I'd be curious to know more of the details about this. This is exactly the kind of group I see touted by the media/churches/etc as the Satanic cult bogeyman we're supposed to be afraid of.
Hell, prison skinhead gangs are openly Satanist, too. I guess that strikes me as more of a trapping than a central motivator, I guess, which is why I find their claim of Satanism so dubious. It's like they adopted it just to scare the straights.
This is exactly the kind of group I see touted by the media/churches/etc as the Satanic cult bogeyman we're supposed to be afraid of.
Well, in the mainstream media, "Satanic" is used as a blanket term for "evil" (or as a synonym/shortcut for "serial rapist with black candles in his desk drawer") rather than as meaning "member of the Church of Satan."
ND, I am rewatching High Fidelity for the first time since the theaters. It disturbs me that you are on my tv right now. getoff GetOff GETOFF!
How am I on your screen? Which character?
Well, in the mainstream media, "Satanic" is used as a blanket term for "evil" (or as a synonym/shortcut for "serial rapist with black candles in his desk drawer") rather than as meaning "member of the Church of Satan."
Oh, I get that. I think that's part of what I'm semi-ranting about -- that the "Satanic" cults and murderers people talk about really are not (even when they keep black candles in a drawer). That's it's a word used specifically and deliberately to evoke a non-existant bogeyman. In fact, if any member of the press is using the term to mean "member of the Church of Satan," than they really need to be kicked in the head repeatedly by an army of fact-checkers.
Oh, I get that. I think that's part of what I'm semi-ranting about -- that the "Satanic" cults and murderers people talk about really are not (even when they keep black candles in a drawer). That's it's a word used specifically and deliberately to evoke a non-existant bogeyman.
Of course. It's why I get techy when people refer to "witches" as "Satanic" when they're talking about Wiccans. Dude, it's not 1692 and we're not in Salem Village.
Sick murderers are sick murderers--whether they profess to serve Satan or not. It doesn't make them Satanists any more than it makes me one.
I'm quite sure I could find more than a few serial rapists who turned up at Church every Sunday and were quite good and singing the hymns.
Barry. the Jack Black character.
As for the rest of your questions, I haven't the clueiest. Erm, foggiest clue. I like when my fingers make new worfs without even trying.
it's a word used specifically and deliberately to evoke a non-existant bogeyman
Sean, why do you hate America?
What in the hell is a worf? Whatever.
I didn't know that the "I don't like Mondays" girl was in San Diego. The song freaks me out now.