Oh, I get that. I think that's part of what I'm semi-ranting about -- that the "Satanic" cults and murderers people talk about really are not (even when they keep black candles in a drawer). That's it's a word used specifically and deliberately to evoke a non-existant bogeyman.
Of course. It's why I get techy when people refer to "witches" as "Satanic" when they're talking about Wiccans. Dude, it's not 1692 and we're not in Salem Village.
Sick murderers are sick murderers--whether they profess to serve Satan or not. It doesn't make them Satanists any more than it makes me one.
I'm quite sure I could find more than a few serial rapists who turned up at Church every Sunday and were quite good and singing the hymns.
Barry. the Jack Black character.
As for the rest of your questions, I haven't the clueiest. Erm, foggiest clue. I like when my fingers make new worfs without even trying.
it's a word used specifically and deliberately to evoke a non-existant bogeyman
Sean, why do you hate America?
What in the hell is a worf? Whatever.
I didn't know that the "I don't like Mondays" girl was in San Diego. The song freaks me out now.
I can deal with being Jack Black.
....crap. Fucking typos *never* sit well with the Dark Prince (....bator).
And in non-Satanic news, China now has a bigass railroad
The pan-Himalayan line climbs 5,072m (16,640ft) above sea level and runs across Tibet's snow-covered plateau - dubbed the roof of the world.
Trains travelling on the line will have to have carriages that are sealed like aircraft to protect passengers from altitude sickness.
I'd love to see my typos fuck. That would be real entertainment. It would also make me spend more time writing.
What in the hell is a worf?
A Klingon serving as an officer on the starship Enterprise?
Sean, why do you hate America?
I think a lot of people might feel that it's worse to be evil and do evil while hiding behind a think veneer or godliness or respectability. I know I do.
I like my evil...well...evil. It's easier to see and easier to avoid. There is an Alfred Hitchcock quote somewhere about the film Shadow of a Doubt where he talks about how true evil is attractive and therefore, harder to spot and more dangerous.