Stupid White Sox. How many home runs do they have to hit before somebody admits that "Ozzieball" is actually just good pitching and hitting? Bunting the runner over my flat white fanny.
I admit it! Hell, the White Sox starters have been awesome in this series.
Somebody wrote a sports book a couple years ago. He prefaced it by noting that he was being a tourist in England and he saw a father and son there on his particular tour wearing White Sox caps. They avoided him the whole tour and he couldn't figure out why until he realized it was because he was wearing a Cubs cap. (He wasn't particularly a Cubs fan.)
I admire that about White Sox fans - a huge Mittle-to-Eastern-European resentment and stoicism built on cabbage based cuisines.
I really wanted Threshold to work out. However, Charles Dutton is wreaking it for me.
Really? I've barely been able to catch more than the first episode or so, and I'm bummed to hear that. Peter Dinklage is not enough to offset that?
Cabbage. There's your problem right there.
Did anyone mention that this season's Smallville is a Buffyverse reunion? James Marsters
Leonard Roberts so far, and I've barely gotten started.
The entire other castmembers of
are so great, it makes Dutton's stuff very jarring.
Yeah, I think I am going to drop
Alias for
Cabbage. There's your problem right there.
::sends ita Kim Chee for xmas::
Did anyone mention that this season's Smallville is a Buffyverse reunion?
I thought all the Buffy alumni were on VM? Except the writers who are on JJ Abrams shows.
I have sworn off Kim Chee. Never had it, but a krav partner did, and he sweated it all over me, and well, NO.
I thought all the Buffy alumni were on VM?
First one to get AD wins.
Except the writers who are on JJ Abrams shows.
Colin's new show is trying to get Angel writers. That'll be nice and circular. For me. NSM Colin.
That AH looks like a scrappy gal -- I hope you remember your krav.
OOH, OOH. Can we start calling Kat
Tiny little kitten of joy and love
? (GA Reference)
I gave up on The OC this year because it lost its funny and Alias and Smallville are on at the same time and I had to drop one.
Leonard Robert? Who was he on Smallville? (He was one of the Gentlemen, right?)