Somebody stole my sunday comics! Louses.
I have no good costume ideas. Were I to dress up, I think I'd steal from Two Lumps and go as every character from a book.
I've gotten my hair cut, rented a steam cleaner and steam cleaned my carpet. Man, that was a disgusting education. I vacuum frequently, but apparently that doesn't get everything. It does look much better now. Still need to mop elsewhere, but I think I'll leave that to tomorrow.
Getting to the salon was an adventure. I left early to windowshop a bit first, since it is the first nice day in a while. Then 695 bogged down for no apparent reason. I get to Ellicott City, and whee, there's some sort of festival going on. No parking. I finally stalked an older couple back to their car and took their space when they left. I got to the salon just barely in time.
74 is mild, not warm. Any temp I deliberately keep my apartment at is not warm. In fact, I'd turn off the a/c now (it's at 75) but for the whole wet carpet thing.
74 is mild to cool. Honest yo dog.
I'm in such a good mood that I'm suspicious. Maybe I'm planning something.
Rupert Everett snarks on Bush.
Guess what All Things Considered just played after a piece on a chef?
hey mambo, mambo italiano, hey mambo.
I like it. Makes me think of Mafia movies. Dean Martin, too. I wonder what he would think about that...whether he would think it was funny or get put out that songs like that make me think..."I know this one. Goodfellas! Right?"
I did 5 hours of work at the coffee shop, bored out of my ever-loving mind. I don't think there's anything worse than editing a document that is full of the same damn copy-and-paste errors, over and over and over again. And I didn't finish, but see above, re: bored.
I stopped at the bookstore on the way home to order Rachel Manija Brown's All the Fishes Come Home to Roost (some of y'all may know her from LJ), and they have a signed copy in the back they will unpack for me tomorrow, so yay.
And it's sunny out and when I opened my mail I found an invitation to a launch party for a city-funded book I got a piece accepted to. My first launch party! (Okay, so the piece is all of 1,500 words, but still!) ::throws tinsel in the air::
Now I'm going to take a nap. And then have tea.
Whoops- and Happy Birthday Kristen!
Thanks, Robin, I'll suggest she think along those lines.