Yeah, and that's only a third of the time I'm supposed to have it in there per day. That's right, I have to spend literally HALF MY TIME in this machine for the next two months or so.
I have snacks and Tivo and Harry Potter and Katamari Damacy to keep me entertained, and I'm STILL bored. It's the sitting still for so long. Makes me restless like a muhfuck.
Four hours is a long time. Ugh! I am reminded of the time I did the blood donation thing that used both arms and took I can't remember how long, but at least two hours. I've never been so bored in my life, but most of the problem was that Reagan had died the night before, so even though I could watch tv, it was ALL ABOUT REAGAN. No fun.
I'm about to get dressed to go watch two movies I'm supposed to watch for class. Yay?
Master and Commander and Twelve O'Clock Something I Can't Remember. @@
I never saw M&C but am dying to. I should Netflix that shit tout de suite.
I have not much interest in it, but watching it with my friend should be fun.
Oh, Rio, you poor sweetie.
Stack the Cats: [link]
Throw Rocks at Boys: [link]
Web Sudoku: [link]
Reverse: [link]
Penguin: [link]
Google Fight: [link]
Google Sets: [link]
Oh No They Didn't can provide hours of fun, if you're into that kind of thing....
Poor Rio! Did you get my email?
At least you've got cat-stacking now.
I woke up this morning after sleeping in to find Emmett....sewing.