Yay for good friends, Perkins. That sounds like a lovely birthday celebration.
Libkitty, me too. I never met a posting board I liked, until this one.
I feel much better. I went and spent way too much money on groceries, and some stuff for Kara's "real" (vs. family) birthday party tomorrow at the park.
Some of Nick's friends are coming, and Greg's brother, sister, spouses and children. We went with grocery store Strawberry Boston Cream Cake rather than me trying to make something with dinosaurs on it, and Kara picked out candles in the shape of tools to go on top.
I also bought one ball for each kid to kick around in the grass rather than a bunch of plastic party goodies that will end up broken. Fruit punch for easy drinking and fruit to chunk for those who don't want cake and Aidan, who can't have it.
Now I just have to feed everyone dinner before they keel over from starvation and I'll feel like I accomplished the important stuff today.
Dear Nick,
One of the facts of life is that the person who pays the rent gets to say, "My roof? My rules."
When you're on the speaking end, it's actually a joy to say. I know; I said it (with probably an indecent level of glee in my voice) to my own mother, just last week.
When your mom has to come stay with you all day, you can make her smoke pot, okay?
I skimmed too fast before, so
a) Sorry to hear you won't make it, Aimee.
b) I think Bongeriffic should totally be a word.
c) sorry Nick is being so early twentish, Deena.
When your mom has to come stay with you all day, you can make her smoke pot, okay?
That's totally what you did, right Cindy?
I just saw a MOUSE in my apartment!! I'm now sitting on a very tall barstool in the middle of my living room, figuring it can't get up to me here. My feet are above ground. But OMG, talk about not wanting to go to bed tonight in my room!! And I just went to the CVS and the grocery store, and while both had plenty of roach killer stuff, neither had mouse traps (the CVS had spaces for them, but they were empty). MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!!
Deena, at least you knew what you found. My mother dragged me into my brother's room when I was 11 and asked me if that smell was pot. I replied, "No, Mom. That's incense. That's what you burn to cover the smell of pot."
My poor mum.
That's totally what you did, right Cindy?
Hee. No, I told her we needed to know where she was going, who she was going with, what they were going to do while there, and when she was coming home.
I'm still smiling from it.
meara, sorry about your mouse.
I totally read that Cindy was making her mom smoke pot.
EEEEEK, can you borrow a cat meara?
meara, sorry about your mouse.
Right now I am trying to convince myself that it's not so much "my" mouse as just...passing through. But I rather doubt that. Also, it went under my couch, but I'm not sure where it went from there. ACK!
(And I just called a friend to see if I could borrow her cat, but she did not pick up. WAAAAH!)