meara, sorry about your mouse.
Right now I am trying to convince myself that it's not so much "my" mouse as just...passing through. But I rather doubt that. Also, it went under my couch, but I'm not sure where it went from there. ACK!
(And I just called a friend to see if I could borrow her cat, but she did not pick up. WAAAAH!)
I totally read that Cindy was making her mom smoke pot.
I have sort of an irrational hate on for the stuff, and don't even like to be around people I love when they're smoking it. Not that I know anyone who does.
Phew. I was going to organize an intervention if you were making your mom a pothead.
Also, it went under my couch, but I'm not sure where it went from there. ACK!
Not to make you freak even more, but it's probably inside the couch frame somewhere. Also, the downside of using a cat to try and get it is that, unless the cat is a serious veteran mouser, it may toy with it too much, and let it get away injured.
I have sort of an irrational hate on for the stuff, and don't even like to be around people I love when they're smoking it. Not that I know anyone who does.
Duly noted....
t kicks pot stash under the couch
In other my-family-news, I think Ben (age 9) just discovered the pains of shipping.
Over the summer, the children discovered
Full House
re-runs. They've just seen the episode where D.J. (the oldest daughter of Bob Saget's character) breaks up with her long term boyfriend, Steve. Ben's asking all these questions about why they would break up if they still like each other, and said he thought they would get married.
His questions about romance, love, and break ups are so sweet, they're breaking me.
I was going to organize an intervention if you were making your mom a pothead.
I made my mom go crazy at that age.
I made her a pot roast two weeks ago.
But not in the "changed her into" sense.
I prefer beef, fish and poultry for my stews.
When your mom has to come stay with you all day, you can make her smoke pot, okay?
I like this. I'll be sure to tell him, and then make plans to stay at a hotel should we ever reach the day where he's not living at home.
Not to make you freak even more, but it's probably inside the couch frame somewhere
Yeah, that's kinda what I'm afraid of.
And the cat thing--well, last time I had a mouse (not at this apartment, a few years back) we borrowed a cat and it was freakin' SCARED of the mouse!!! We ended up cornering it ourselves, with a broom, in the kitchen, and it turned out to be a little tiny thing. We almost (almost) felt bad for it.
This one was a medium-sized mouse. Not big, which is good, but not teeny tiny either. And IN MY HOUSE!!!
Also: suggestions as to where I could easily get some freakin' traps or poison or something? And what's the best sort to get? I'm given to understand traditional mousetraps, not so useful....