Heh. They even call him skeevy in that article.
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Heh. FT actually uses the word "skeevy" to encapsulate the, err... eau de Tracey Walter.
Micole, who I wish posted here, elsewhere brought up the fact that, not only is there a paucity of complex female characters not named Veronica, but also there is not much representation of the have-nots for a show that's ostensibly all about the class conflict. I kind of have to agree--the show spends most of its time with the rich people and their foibles with the exception of the Marses (and to a lesser extent, Fennels). The PCH bike gang has become less and less prominent over the last year and a half--have we even seen Mrs. Navarro since the Paris Hilton episode? And what with Francis Capra's reduced role this season, I don't see this being rectified soon.
I haven't thought hard about it, what with all the rose-tinted glass-wearing I do about the show, but it's a little disquieting. I mean, the emphasis on the rich actually sort of works in a meta way as the show is all about the corruption of the rich and powerful, but the narrative also gives the rich the privilege. When Veronica was ostracized in S1, this worked to emphasize her isolation, but now that she's not so much of an outcast, the other side of the class conflict feels woefully under-represented.
Tracy Walter and William Sanderson are somewhat confuseable, being atypical in looks and character actors extraordinaire. If Sanderson hadn't gotten the Newhart gig (Larry, of "I'm Larry, this is my brother Daryll, and this is my other brother Daryll" fame), he'd be as obscure as Mr. Walter.
Who, I must confess, since he appeared as a character named "Frog" in some long-ago tv western sitcom (yes. for about three episodes), is usually "Frog" to me.
OK, so Thessaly and I have watched a truly obscene amount of "Veronica Mars in the past few weeks, catching us all the way up to date, including the most recent. (Was the title "Rat Saw God"? I forget.)
And I'll admit I'm hooked. It's shaken itself out of it's early flounderings of not knowing what kind of show it wanted to be, and it's found its own voice. Plus, they can write an overarching mystery line, which is nice. Now if only they can stop trying to make Kristen Bell look like Sarah Michelle Gellar, it'll be perfect. (Oh, and OK, get her back together with Logan.)
Still not sure how the individual pieces of this one fit together -- the bus crash, the guy Logan allegedly stabbed, Logan's house burning down, the stunt man with Veronica's name on his hand (and in super-duper ink, at that!)
Not sure yet, but I think the place to be looking is at Veronica's comment about Weevil not being as in control of his gang as he thinks he is. All of which begs the question, who stands to gain from class tensions being esacerbated? Lamb? The new mayor? Not enough information.
Still, I'm hooked. I hope you people are happy.
I agree with people (here? On WX?) who suggested that the in-show reason for Veronica growing her hair long is because she is trying to get to that happy pre-Lilly's murder place.
If there is some reason that KB wants to have longer hair, I don't know what that would be.
I think it's totally a symbolic thing.
I'm waiting for something to happen to spur it back to short, because I think it's coming.
glad to hear your hooked, victor. also a L/V 'shipper. exxxxxxxxxxxcellent...
I'm waiting for something to happen to spur it back to short, because I think it's coming.
I hope so. i miss the cute hairstyles they could give her with the short hair. i hate her hair parted down the middle. makes her look older and just not as pretty.
Ok, I finally watched. Random and rambling thoughts. Rather lengthy it turns out.
First, Joss is so adorable I just want to hug the stuffing out of him. Fan boy.
Poor Veronica she broke my heart watching the sheriff election returns. Keith is all “it was the best thing for the investigation” big picture guy. You know, it was a time to be pissed off and immature, not all sensible in control guy. He clearly knows some shit about this bus crash that he isn’t sharing with Veronica.
Cliff was extra fun. “I promise to hold his hair back if he has to make sick in the toilet.” Hee
I gotta say I found the mayor’s daughter rather fun this week. I didn’t care for her previous showing.
So who the heck is the guy who made the anonymous call from the bridge?
I miss Wallace almost as much as Veronica.
More random – every time I type Veronica I think of a daughter of a friend of mine named Veronica. Her mom only called her that when she was in trouble. We called her Ronni all the time.
Poor Logan really doesn’t like the thought of Dickhead perving on his mom. Jason did a fabulous job this week with the Logan attitude. Most impressive. Tore me up. Every single scene was perfect.
The Amelia search wasn’t very interesting most of the time for me. Awww on her doing the right thing in the end with daddy. I’m thinking there has to be some future thing here maybe.
The Cliff and Logan show was real entertainment folks.
Putting Logan in the cell with his father was, well farfetched. Aaron was so very unsympathetic, although I love leaving the Duncan as murderer option open. How much do I love Keith? His scene with Aaron so yummy!
Clarence! He knows how to do tough guy bless his heart.
The character of Weevil annoys me. So much potential, yet misused. I get the appeal of the badass with a soft underbelly, but the softness shouldn’t be so transparent. It’s just disappointing every time he appears and I wish it weren’t. So burning down Logan’s house was pretty badass, but still not impressed. Doing it because of his justifiable hatred of Logan would have pleased me more than doing it to reestablish his cred with the boys. Also, he fights like a girl.
Now Lamb is a decent badass with no moral compass. Except the “what was your address again?” line bugged me. Like they would refer to the address and not just say Echolls estate. He does really pull off bad guy well though.
Now I totally get Veronica working with Clarence in a that makes sense kind of way, but I don’t get any reason for Keith to work with Lamb at all unless he thinks Lamb was in some way involved with the crash.
Skeevy motel clerk real good skeeve.
Ewwwww rat!
Random odd thought. I think the new mayor has an evil side.
I don’t get any reason for Keith to work with Lamb at all unless he thinks Lamb was in some way involved with the crash.
Well, Lamb has the sheriff's department's resources (e.g., ballistics) at his disposal. And they've worked together before, albeit unwillingly.
Random odd thought. I think the new mayor has an evil side.
No question. Otherwise, he serves no purpose. Most likely, he's wrapped up in Terrence's gambling scheme (c.f. the argument in the premiere).
Putting Logan in the cell with his father was, well farfetched. Aaron was so very unsympathetic, although I love leaving the Duncan as murderer option open. How much do I love Keith? His scene with Aaron so yummy!
Keith can do the scary very well. Putting Aaron and Logan in the same cell was far-fetched, but then again, the town lock-up probably isn't that big. Plus, I think Lamb was just being cruel locking them together.
So burning down Logan’s house was pretty badass, but still not impressed.
Not entirely convined Weevil did it, actually. Still think he's being set up, possibly for a gang takeover, but I have to admit, we've seen no real candidates for that role.
Random odd thought. I think the new mayor has an evil side.
He's really my prime suspect for the big manipulator here, although if he arranged for the bus to crash, then the target might not have been Veronica after all -- it might have been his daughter.
Stay with me here:
- He had no way to know his daughter wouldn't be on that bus, just as no one knew Veronica wouldn't be.
- Curly was hired to do the job because of the bus stunt. When it all went to Hell (really, either way with both girls surviving) Curly was killed, and it was set up to look like a hit on Veronica. Because really? Everyone would buy it. She is a big shiny distraction.
- The crux of the matter is Jackie's dad's baseball debts, but beyond that, I don'thave enough information.
- The class conflicts exaggerated by the the murder Logan allegedly committed spread enough discontent to get a new mayor elected, but they've not gone too deep into that yet.