What I was trying to say earlier was when Keith said something about "This investigation...", my immediate reaction was "Oh, Keith is secretly carrying on his own investigation into the bus crashtacular. Much like he did for young Lilly Kane. It isn't much like Keith to involve the sherriff in every little aspect.
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Double post because of a double espresso. My mistakes.
Teddy Dunn actually did a smashing job
I was shocked to realize that when Veronica/Duncan suffers its sudden yet inevitable demise, I will be sad.
I will too. Duncan is growing on me in a big way. Especially because he is trying to patch things up with Logan and because he didn't react with jealousy when Veronica ran to break up Jackie and Logan. (I love me some enraged!Veronica.)
I thought Keith gave Lamb the voicemail message.
Alicia was really dumb to not make more effort to explain to Wallace what she did and why especially regrading the letters/lying about giving his Dad a choice - but just taking off with your sketchy-past-having BioDad across country? That's ker-azee. Is Wallace 18? Would BioDad be worried about kidnapping charges?
So - I was packing while I watched and didn't tape - did Jackie tell the Psychic about Lilly? I thought I heard her deny it, but who else would? And Lilly wouldn't actually be pissed about Veronica/Logan - would she?
raspberries and yogurt:
I just saw this:
OUT OF THIS WORLD: It appears the stars have finally aligned for Veronica Mars. UPN's little show that could attracted 3.6 million viewers last night — its largest audience to date. Mars no doubt got an assist from ABC, which aired a Lost rerun instead of an original. It also doesn't hurt that the show is, well, really good.
So - I was packing while I watched and didn't tape - did Jackie tell the Psychic about Lilly? I thought I heard her deny it, but who else would? And Lilly wouldn't actually be pissed about Veronica/Logan - would she?
Jackie said she hadn't. But really, if the psychic lived or worked in Neptune she would know all about Lilly Kane and Veronica Mars and Logan Echolls--Veronica was with Logan when Logan was on trial, after all. So she could've gotten the information from the news.
I honestly don't know if Ghost!Lilly would be pissed. Mostly I think she'd think it was hysterical.
So she could've gotten the information from the news.
Good point.
Mostly I think she'd think it was hysterical.
That's what I was thinking.
See, I don't know if I was just super tired last night, or I'm completely losing higher brain function, but I couldn't figure out if the credit card/psychic thing made sense in the end.
In the beginning, when the psychic tells Jackie her card has been denied, was that a mislead? Like Jackie gave her another one, and had the idea to "get" Veronica?
Help. Toddler is eating brain.
In the beginning, when the psychic tells Jackie her card has been denied, was that a mislead? Like Jackie gave her another one, and had the idea to "get" Veronica?
That's how I read it.
That has to be what it was -- otherwise it makes no sense at all.
I agree with that. Totaly mislead.
As far as the show turning in big numbers, here's a story. I'm no nielsen family, but last night was the first Veronica Mars I watched on it's original airdate. I watched the DVD's and got the rest of this season out of the way on a friends TiVo. So, I was finally all caught up by the time last night rolled into town.