If a boy had smashed a lamp in my house while screaming at teenage me my dad would have shoved him out the door with a shotgun and he would know better than to EVER come back.
Especially that boy: Keith knows who he is, what his background is, certainly his rep for bumfights, etc and almost certainly about the escalating gang war with Weevil's crew. That's going to give Logan a hell of a lot less leeway than most boys...
Great episode, but Steve Guttenberg needs to stop taking plastic surgery tips from Mickey Rourke...
I kind of love Couch Baron's recaplet at TWOP, written from the perspective of Meg.
That was fun! But what does cooze mean? Was that part of the episode? Some hip new slang? Dammit, this show is making me feel old and out of the loop!
Cooze is at least WW2 slang for a slut. It turns up in Jim thompson books, I'd swear.
d, you're young and out of the loop.
Steve Guttenberg
Oh.my.God. Someone tell me where Steve Guttenberg was. I didn't recognize him and I'm usually pretty good at recognizing people. I need to rewatch the damn show just to find him.
He was the baseball owner with the daughter. The guy with the incredibly stretched skin.
His name is Woody Goodman.
There are no names in Project Mayhem