I agree that Duncan is BBBBBOOOORING. Ugh. I hate Veronica with him. He's bland as Cream O' Wheat.
So I bought an antenna and I have slightly fuzzy TV, but I get UPN. I was so excited.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I agree that Duncan is BBBBBOOOORING. Ugh. I hate Veronica with him. He's bland as Cream O' Wheat.
So I bought an antenna and I have slightly fuzzy TV, but I get UPN. I was so excited.
Aw, Meg.
I was far less bored by Duncan in this episode. He had more personality than he showed all last season, I thought. Veronica can still do much, much better though. Even if normal is the watchword. But what the hell was the arm-clinging about? Gag.
Also loved Keith's nipple bit. Hee! But I thought he was a bit extreme in dealing with Logan. He was shouting at his girlfriend, big deal. Not a reason for bodily harm, imo.
I think Keith never liked Logan much.
When they were on the bus I thought it a little weird that we couldn't tell who was on the bus. But the later scene with the journalism teacher counting should give an idea.
I'm glad they dispensed with Logan's legal troubles early.
He was shouting at his girlfriend, big deal.
And broke a lamp. I think it was that crash that brought Keith running in.
And broke a lamp.
Yeah, but it was just a lamp. Things get smashed occasionally when people get angry. People don't get shoved up against walls though. I guess YAngryMV.
Things get smashed occasionally when people get angry.
Raised voices, okay. Smashing a lamp, could be nothing, or could be a precursor to bodily harm. I've seen enough domestic violence cases to know this all too well.
If a boy had smashed a lamp in my house while screaming at teenage me my dad would have shoved him out the door with a shotgun and he would know better than to EVER come back.
If a boy had smashed a lamp in my house while screaming at teenage me my dad would have shoved him out the door with a shotgun and he would know better than to EVER come back.
Ah. See, my dad would ask us to keep it down and if we wanted to talk it over with him. Perhaps this is where the difference lies. If my dad had ever tried to actually involve himself in an argument I was having, I would not have been pleased.
Actually, I think both my mother and father would have intervened and kicked the kid out. The breaking of the lamp would have been IT.