If you get a season 4, kill Lianne. It's her mother. Deadbeat or not, you don't get much more personal.
I'd love a Lianne-kidnapping.
Was reading that Thomas cribbed the line-up-the-suspects-before-the-murder structure from that recent no-budget Steven Soderbergh movie 'Bubble'. I guess cribbing the structure from any old episode of 'Murder, She Wrote' wouldn't have the same cachet.
actually fiction? I thought that was a documentary.
What possible reason would anyone have to kidnap Leanne?
Was Bubble actually fiction? I thought that was a documentary.
It was fiction. Though, looking at IMDB, it had a budget of $1.6 million, so I was wrong to call it no-budget.
What possible reason would anyone have to kidnap Leanne?
Pay me $25,000 an episode and I'll tell you.
What possible reason would anyone have to kidnap Leanne?
Reason? We don't need no stinkin' badgesreason!!
I can imagine something to do with a Kane secret, one of Keith's cases, or even something we don't know about her yet.
Season 3 of VM is available on itunes.
I don't know if it's a nationwide sale or not (there's no mention of it on their website) but my girlfriend picked up Season 1 today for $24 (after tax) at Circuit City.
Fun new VM promo - much better than former CW promos for VM.
GF and I are watching season 1 on DVD, as she only started watching the show halfway through last season.
I'd forgotten how totally awesome season 1 was. There's just so many little character moments that just sing.
One thing, we just finished watching "Return of the Kane" and I don't seem to recall the aired version actually having the belt-cracking sounds and Lynn sitting on the couch in the next room. I swear it originally just changed scenes after Aaron closed the door on the room, or am I smoking crack?