Could someone explain the 10 dollar beer cup to me. Does it afford you unlimited access to the keg? How do frats turn a profit on that?
It does afford you all you can drink, but most don't drink more than a couple of cups, so they subsidize the truly wasted. Plus, it's not really meant to turn a profit. Break even would be nice, but as long as the losses aren't substantial, they're probably happy.
I see that DX is also wasting brain cells on the Polaroid Swinger jingle.
Swing it up
It says yes
Take the shot
Count it down
Zip it off
Plus, it's not really meant to turn a profit.
Why do they do it then? So confused.
Why do they do it then? So confused.
Well, they want beer at the party, and this helps defray costs. Also, making sure that only official beer cups are used makes the tracking of minors easier (can't drink if you're under 21 in the US), and is probably a restriction forced upon them by the college.
Why do they do it then? So confused.
Raise money for the frat or cover other costs. The budget for student activities may cover some cost of the party as well. I would guess, what, 500 students came to that? They could recover about ~$4000, which pretty much takes care of the cost of alcohol, and maybe the band.
I see that DX is also wasting brain cells on the Polaroid Swinger jingle.
I used to have one. In fact, I may still have it.
Polaroid Swinger
Huh. This puts James Garner and Mariette Hartley's relationship in a whole new light.
So the one thing I didn't understand was what the deal with the bomb threat was, other than to show how lazy the Sherrif's Dept is. Were we supposed to infer one of the characters called it in to try to somehow stop the rape?
Veronica called it in, because she thought the police couldn't ignore it (Surprise!) whereas she's had bad experiences reporting rape to the cops before.
Were we supposed to infer one of the characters called it in to try to somehow stop the rape?
Yeah, I think Veronica called it in, since she knew how well the Sheriff's office would deal with a rape call.
Eta: X-Post!